Saturday, October 17, 2015

Two New Poems, New Story, New Talk and Gallbladders by BJ Neblett

BJ Neblett
© 2015

Things I miss the most:
Walks, talks, tears, sighs, holding hands;
the touch of your breath.
Things I’ll never know:
Youth, innocence, childish dreams;
the warmth of your smile.
Things I can’t forget:
Yesterday, the day before;
all that we once shared.

                                                         BJ Neblett
                                                         © 2015

                                                         My severed heart cries
                                                         Your razor desire cuts
                                                         Love pools at my feet

I have a new story in October’s Romance Magazine. Just click the image to the right!
Recently, I had a fairly serious gall bladder attack. This came almost exactly two years to the day to a similar incident which I spoke of right here. (Blog: Saturday23, 2013, Stepping Out Of Format For A Moment) Regular readers of mine know well the large part irony plays in my life. I’ll leave the comments, like sleeping dogs, lie, and simply say I believe my altruism that day two years ago was not only tested but cursed. That curse has come to fruition. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished. I have an appointment with a surgeon this week and we’ll discuss possible dates. At this point I am sure it would be wish full thinking to expect the young lady in question to return the favor. I am not a fan of spending time in hospitals, visitor or otherwise, and yes, all things considered, am a bit apprehensive.
I have been asked once again to speak at the Ballard (Seattle) Branch Library’s excellent monthly series, It’s About Time. I’ll be the lead speaker and will talk on the art of Flash Fiction. If you are in the area, please come join us. It is free, lasting just a couple of hours, and will be on Thursday, December 10, 2015, at 6 PM.

Also, in December, the new issue of Paradox Ethereal Magazine will feature a powerful fiction story of mine. I’ll post a reminder as time gets closer for both events.
Thanks, and as always be sure to like, link, comment and share the love. We love to hear from you.

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