Monday, February 24, 2014

Heart and Soul by BJ Neblett

"The past is a hotel. You can check in any time, enjoy the view. But you can't live there, the cost is too high."
                                                          Elysian Dreams by BJ Neblett
Change is never easy, be it moving across country or moving through the loss of a loved one. I have had my share of moving as well as a loss. You never fully get over either, you just keep going. Here are a couple of poems: an oldie for the heart and a more recent one for the soul.

By BJ Neblett
© 1984, 2013

             A single tear
            Washes away
            Water colored lies
            Slain by the guilt
            Of promises broken
            Tomorrow dies

             For Robin

by BJ Neblett
© 2009, 2013

Starting over
Tired old city tired old faces
Tired old friends
Been there and done that
Like a stuck record
                                    repeat           repeat
                                                repeat           repeat
Tired old questions tired old answers
Tired old fears

Starting over
Different city different faces
Different friends
Carousel of time
Ticket paid with tears
                                       around                   around 
Different questions different answers
Different fears

Starting over
Greeting challenges seeking horizons
Facing new days
Awaken dreamer
Everest to climb
Answering new questions reaching new horizons
Facing new fears

Starting over
                        no more

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